Monday, June 3, 2013

Spring Cleaning/Organizing. GET ON IT

This is a month long adventure of cleaning and organization that I will be discussing with you all.  I will give you tips as to what helped me and to encourage you to GET RID OF STUFF!! Its okay to throw away the 10 year old lipstick or the post-its you just can’t live with out.  I know I have a hard time getting rid of my stuff but it is time to de-clutter our lives and clean up! 


Today I am going to start with my desks and drawers in my desk.  I have a small desk in my room and that is where EVERYTHING goes.  I have a horrible habit of piling things up on top of each other and not putting things away where they belong.  Today, ladies and gentleman, we are going to go through all of our drawers.  Not just in our rooms but throughout the whole house.  Before we get started here are a few tips to remember.

Tip #1:  Keep the main surface cleared.  This one is for desks or tables.  Like I mentioned I have a tendency to throw every thing on top of my desk then forget about it.  I have two jobs so cleaning is clearly not my first priority.  When you get home remember to put things where they belong, and if they don’t have a special place make one for it so that you know exactly where it goes each time.  This also saves you the hassle of having to clear off your surfaces if you may need to use them.  Its ok to have a picture here and there maybe a book but don’t put EVERYTHING you can think of on top.  Put it in a drawer or somewhere else. 

Tip #2“Having nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris.  When going through your drawers if you find something that you have no idea what it is for or know you have not used it for the last 5 years TRASH IT!! Why hold on to something when you know it is not useful or that it is taking up valuable space?  If it is not an item you use regularly, get rid of it.  It will help you feel lighter. 

Tip #3:  If you can’t think of why you need it, you really don’t need it.  If the thought doesn't come to your mind with in seconds you 1. haven’t used it for a long time or 2. NEVER used it to begin with.

Tip #4: IT'S OK TO GET RID OF STUFF!!! For the most part every one feels bad about getting rid of their stuff that's fine, but don’t become attached to it.  If you feel bad about throwing it away donate it (that is if it is donate-able).  If you have no need for it I am sure there is someone in the world who does.  Take it to your local thrift store or Goodwill.  If it is something you think you could sell yourself go for it!  Ebay and Craigslist are great places to sell things. 

Alright so lets get down to the dirty and start on these surfaces and drawers.  I always start with my drawers when cleaning out my desk.  If you begin with the surface first that’s fine.  Do whatever you are comfortable with.  I personally begin with the drawers because I empty everything on top to begin with.  So now lets empty our drawers.

Once you have done that make sure to get out all the dust and particles that have accumulated from not being clean.  Once I have cleaned all the dust begin putting stuff back.  I know what your are probably thinking “I just took everything out! when does the getting rid of stuff start?!!”  Well to answer your question it starts NOW.  As you are putting each item back look at it and think to yourself these 10 following questions that I got from 10 Questions to Help You De-clutter (

  1. Is this item something I use regularly?
  2. If not, is it something I love?
  3. Am I keeping this out of obligation or expectation?
  4. Am I holding onto this because I think I should love it?
  5. Am I saving this just in case?
  6. Do I have multiples of the same thing?
  7. Could something else I own do the same job?
  8. Am I holding onto a broken item to fix one day?
  9. Is this item worth the time I spend cleaning/storing it?
  10. Could I use this space for something else?

If you can honestly say that it is something you need then keep it and make a new permanent home for it.  Do this with all your items.  If you can’t decide if the item is something you need to keep then put it off to the side in a pile of things you are not sure about.  Once you have finished go back to those items and see where you could put it or if it truly is something to get rid of.  Remember as you are going through your stuff to put it in its home.  Some place you will keep it and remember to put it back when you are done using it.  

Once you have cleared off a majority of the stuff from your surface and have put all that you want in the drawers we will begin working on the desk.  These are things that either do not belong in or on the desk, you need to get rid of, or belong in a different room or place.  The surface is the easiest to do because a majority of the junk is already gone.  REMEMBER to always ask yourself those 10 questions. 

Okay so your surface is cleared and you have wiped down everything of dust and dirt.  Now is the fun part (at least I think so): DECORATING the surface!!!  You are now free to add your own personal touches whether it be pictures, candles, a lava lamp, whatever you want.  Just make it you.  REMEMBER, don’t add a bunch of stuff to your desk or surface.  The point of this was to DE-CLUTTER ;) There are plenty of other places you can sparkle and show off yourself just spread it out throughout your room or house. 

One small step at a time you WILL have everything cleaned and organized.  Just remember to stay motivated and take breaks when you want.



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